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Small Businesses: The Heartbeat of Small Towns

Small businesses serve as the lifeblood of small towns, and their significance is showcased during events like Small Business Week, organized by the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. These events not only celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit but also highlight the critical role small businesses play in maintaining the economic health and social fabric of small communities like Montague and Whitehall.

Small Business Statistics

  • Job Creation: Small businesses create two-thirds of new jobs in the U.S. and employ 47.1% of the private workforce. In small towns like Montague and Whitehall, where large corporations are less prevalent, small businesses are often the largest employers.
  • Economic Contribution: Approximately 67 cents of every dollar spent at a small business remains in the local community, supporting public services through taxes and helping to stabilize the local economy. Small businesses contribute to 44% of U.S. economic activity, highlighting their role in overall economic health.
  • Community Support: Small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to non-profits and community causes, enhancing community development efforts and supporting local causes.

In towns like Montague and Whitehall, local businesses are more than just retail stores or service providers; they are the backdrop to daily life and the key players in town narratives. They create local jobs, keeping wealth within the community and often provide personalized, friendly service that is rare in larger cities. These businesses contribute to the town’s identity and pride, often becoming landmarks and a source of local lore.

Small Business Week is a time to recognize and support these enterprises. It provides an opportunity for local businesses to showcase their products and services, engage with the community, and celebrate their contributions to the economy and character of Montague and Whitehall. It also provides encouragement to residents to shop locally and invest back into their community.

Small Town & Small Business Relationships

Moreover, the week serves as a reminder of the symbiotic relationship between small towns and their businesses. As these businesses thrive, they are able to sponsor local events, sports teams, and charities, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. It also inspires others, showing that entrepreneurship is accessible and valued in the community.

Small Business Week is a vital initiative. It not only boosts the local economy but also reinforces the unique charm and resilience of towns like Montague and Whitehall, highlighting how integral these businesses are to their prosperity and spirit.

Brent is the Managing Partner of CatchMark and has been a technologist for more than 15 years. During that time he has served in diverse leadership roles. At his core, Brent is a problem solver who chose technology because of the diverse and challenging problems it provides. He is currently a Certified Information Systems Security Professional with an emphasis in Cyber Security.

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