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Tunes Around Town with White Lake Music Review

Tunes Around Town shares the weekly schedule of live music events from White Lake Music Review, bringing you the best of the local music scene. The schedule below is courtesy of White Lake Music Review and highlights four Whitehall/Montague area venues hosting live music. Be sure to check back, as some venues may still be booking performers! For updates or more information, visit the White Lake Music Review page:

Please double-check individual Facebook pages for time, event information, or schedule changes.

Four Whitehall/Montague area locations are listing live music so far for next week (1/27 through 2/2). Check back for updates or more information as I’m posting earlier than normal, and some venues may still be booking performers!

Please double check individual Facebook pages for time, event information, or changes.

Weekly Live Music Schedule:

Tuesday 1/28

  • 10:00 am: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Steve Thielman Piano

Wednesday 1/29

  • 11:00 am: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Eric Michaels and Chris Kennedy
  • 6:00 pm: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Open Mic Night

Thursday 1/30

  • 7:00 pm: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Justin Wierenga

Friday 1/31

  • 6:00 pm: Dannyz Rothbury Tavern – Dave Burel
  • 7:00 pm: Sawyers Brewing Company – Brian Fedewa

Saturday 2/1

  • 7:00 pm: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Penny Rushing, The Kipi Chick
  • 7:00 pm: North Grove Brewers – Troy Kaley

Sunday 2/2

1:00 pm: The Book Nook & Java Shop – Strum It White Lake Ukulele Club

Eight chances to see local performers in our community this week! Plenty of opportunities to support area entertainers! Please comment with corrections or if I missed any shows. Note, this is for live music only. Check individual FB pages for DJ’s, Trivia, Karaoke, Book Talks, Comedy, Theatre, and other awesome local events.

Check out White Lake Music Reviews most recent article here!

CatchMark Community Product Lead Amy Yonkman joined the CatchMark team in 2021 as an office assistant. She quickly became project manager for the Digital Marketing and Media service, and is now the CatchMark Community Product Lead. Amy’s background includes working in preschool classrooms, hospitality, and customer service.

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