This recipe was provided by Wendy Haney and her story on why it exists. The story goes along with the entire recipe, this is part 1. Check out our other article “Chicken soup w/ Homemade noodles” for the finished recipe.
Quote Wendy, “I don’t have a huge story behind my Chicken and Homemade Noodle soup recipe. I just remember my grandma Glover always made us homemade noodle when I was a kid. We would go to her house as a family…..aunts, uncles, cousins included, for Sunday dinner. It was so such a great time, and the noodles were so good. So when my kids were young I decided I wanted to make homemade noodles too. So I made the noodles, and my own recipe to go with the noodle, that ended up being my chicken and noodle soup…..and they loved it!! Through the years I decided it would be a great food to make for others who were going through an illness, a birth of a baby, or a loss in the family. It’s such a good comfort food. I can’t begin to tell you how many batches of that soup I have made through the years!! I even did a demonstration one time at Mom’s Timeout to teach the young moms how to make it.”
Now that we got into the significance of the noodles provided by Wendy, lets get into how to actually make it.
Homemade Noodles
2 ⅔ cups flour
Pinch of salt
2 eggs, beaten
½ cup milk
1 tablespoon butter, softened
Stir flour and salt.
Add beaten eggs, milk, and butter.
Knead for 5 minutes until smooth.
Let rest covered for 10 minutes.
On a floured surface, roll out with a rolling pin to about ⅛ or ¼ inch thick. Cut.
Allow air drying before cooking in a large pot with boiling salted water.